The objectives of the project are highlighted below : A.To raise awareness among the general population on Rain Water Harvesting and its positive impact on rivers ecosystem. B.To encourages people to understand the importance of using rain water harvest tanks. C. Implementation of rain water tanks in schools.
The Rain Water Harvest project was launched in February 2013 at Hennessy Park Hotel in the presence of Senator Nana Kow Acquaye. In line with UN MDG 7, the aim is sensitise public at large on protecting the environment. The team involved has been working hard since the start, contact sponsors, partners and putting together videos etc. Creation of videos to raise awareness about Rain Water Harvesting and the implementation of a Rain Water Harvesting System in a school to show case to use the water for toilet flushing and for gardening purposes. The team will not stop here as more activities are involved and this is only the beginning of the project.
JCI City Plus is proud to say that this project has created a great impact. It has created visibility for the organisation and the main sponsor Le Meritt Holdings Ltd, for the partners DURACO Ltd, Rivers Ecosystem and Saint Nicholas Grammar School. This sensitization campaign is just the beginning,and the measurement and impact should be ongoing in order to assess the the progress.[/vc_column_text][TS-VCSC-Lightbox-Gallery content_images=”640,641,642,643,644″ content_style=”grid” data_grid_breaks=”240,480,720,960″ data_grid_space=”2″ data_grid_order=”false” lightbox_pageload=”false” thumbnail_position=”bottom” thumbnail_height=”100″ lightbox_effect=”random” lightbox_autoplay=”false” lightbox_speed=”5000″ lightbox_backlight=”custom” lightbox_backlight_color=”#0392d0″ lightbox_social=”true” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″][/TS-VCSC-Lightbox-Gallery][/vc_column][/vc_row]