2014 Local President Message
Dear Young Leaders,
This is the year, when I am urging you members to give life to JCI City Plus through the chosen motto Commitment, Integrity, Team Spirit and YOU (CITY in Action).
JCI City Plus our organisation is first of all a group of young and dedicated professionals who have decided to commit together to the improvement of the society. I seize this opportunity of thanking YOU for your commitment, engagement and your belief in bringing positive change to the society.
My focus of the coming year shall be on Finance & Management, Membership growth (Development & Retention), sustainable projects according to Active Citizen Framework (ACF) and UN MDG, Training and Individual Development opportunities (National & international). The message I wish to convey for the coming year as per the above mentioned focus is consolidation of our team, ongoing service and development to the society and along personal development of our members.
I invite you to create together an energizing and exciting year where, JCI City Plus shall emerge as a professional organisation dedicated with pride and passion to take up the challenge of moving up the next step and impact the society and community through our sustainable deeds and actions. This is a time when I remind myself about why I decided to embark on the journey to join JCI and what good I brought and what good it brought to me.
Each and every one of us have their reasons for having joined the prestigious network of JCI, through JCI City Plus, and CITY in Action may this coming year see us together achieve our targets, overcome our challenges, and grow as a team and make the JCI City Plus family blossom further. May this message serves as a reminder that together we can make good things happen and bring positive change to our society through our impactful and sustainable projects. Let this beginning of year be a time to realise how much JCI City Plus has developed and contributed to Society through its inception and how much more potential it has to accomplish further its objectives thus creating JCI City Plus’s IDENTITY.
Coming together is the Begining, Keeping together is the Progress , Working together is the Success’ –
Henry Ford.
Yours in JCI Spirit
Asha Auckloo
2014 Local President
Motto ‘CITY in Action’