Program with Partners
On the international level, JCI partners with global organizations with mutual values and goals to maximize the impact of the local work our members do every day.
United Nations and the UN Millennium Development Goals
JCI has officially partnered with the UN since 1954 and holds a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In 2003, JCI committed to advancing the UN Millennium Development Goals (UN MDGs), a set of time-bound targets for poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women.
JCI members organize thousands of projects every year committed to advancing the goals with the UN MDGs as a framework.
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility with the UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact works to advance ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. JCI partners with the UN Global Compact to engage small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt these principles to be responsible and profitable in a competitive global market.
International Chamber of Commerce-World Chambers Federation (ICC-WCF) and Global Economic Progress
The ICC is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth. Through our partnership with the ICC-WCF, JCI Local Organizations work with local chambers of commerce on projects to advance global economic progress and encourage entrepreneurship, including the JCI Best Business Plan Competition (JCI BBP). Through JCI BBP young entrepreneurs are awarded for integrating the principles of social responsibility into their business plans.
Combating Malaria with the UN Foundation and JCI Nothing But Nets
Malaria is the leading killer of children in Africa, but this deadly disease can be prevented with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets. Through JCI Nothing But Nets, a campaign in partnership with the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets initiative, JCI members work raise global awareness about malaria and to purchase and distribute bed nets and educate families on their proper use.
Encouraging Innovation with Flanders District of Creativity
The JCI Creative Young Entrepreneur Award (JCI CYEA), run in partnership with Flanders District of Creativity, recognizes outstanding young individuals who have started a business using creativity or have improved an existing business through innovative problem solving. Highlighting these young innovators inspires JCI members to strive for creativity in their endeavors and prove how creative concepts can translate into practical business solutions.
Pan American Health Organization and Child Health
JCI has worked with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) since 1994 to implement cooperation agreements focusing on children in Latin American JCI National Organizations. Enjoying international recognition as part of the United Nations system, PAHO serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization. PAHO supports JCI National Organizations in Latin America to implement projects related to MDG 4: reducing child mortality.
JCI also maintains relationships with UNESCO, the Conference on Nongovernmental Organizations (CONGO), AIESEC, NGO Committee on UNICEF and the Hanns-Seidel Foundation.