International Events
Every year, JCI members unite at JCI international events to foster cooperation across boundaries, engage in dialogue to ignite global development projects and unite the JCI global network.
JCI World Congress
Every November, members from across the globe come together for the peak of the JCI year at JCI World Congress. At this global forum, delegates elect the next year’s officers, meet JCI members from more than 100 countries, find new ways to create positive change and magnify the positive impact of the JCI movement.
JCI Area Conferences
Every year in April through June, JCI members unite in their regions for JCI Area Conferences to exchange ideas, learn how to maximize their local impact and collaborate with other National Organizations in their Areas. The four Area Conferences – Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and Europe – give members a chance to take advantage of JCI’s international network while enhancing their National Organizations.
JCI Summits
As young active citizens, JCI Members join the global dialogue of the day through JCI Summits in partnership with the UN Global Compact, the International Chamber of Commerce, the UN Foundation and other key partners. Each year, members gather with leaders of government, civil society, business and United Nations agencies to debate, learn and transform vibrant ideas into concrete action. Previous Summits have focused on global partnership, the UN Millennium Development Goals, Corporate Social Responsibility and climate change.