The Art Mela activity regrouped 100 handicapped children for various charitable institutions for a drawing and painting competition. It was a fun activity where no theme was kept for the drawings and paintings. The institutions invited were APEIM Port Louis and Signal Mountain, CEDEM, SOS Village Bambous and Beau-Bassin. As part of the program, other activities were organized for/by the children such as face painting, dancing and singing. To the delight of the children, cartoon characters, namely, Minnie, Mickey, Donald Duck, Tigrou and Garfield were present throughout the day.Stationary, t-shirts and caps were given to the children.Lunch and refreshment were also provided.
Children from the different institutions prepared dancers and songs. We had the pleasure of having a local artist, the Bunker Rats, to perform on this special day. We also had the Kwong hwa lion’s group performing the “ Danse Du Lion”. A prize giving ceremony was held to reward the most special drawings.
The aim of the ART Mela was successfully met as it enabled the:
• Sensitisation of the public regarding these handicapped children
• Giving the children a platform to express their skills
• Children to discover their talents
• Integration of these children in JCI Family.