Following the success of the first ATA 1, a second Art and Training Academy (ATA) II – Residential workshop under the theme “ Success wihin Reach” was organised on the 22nd and 23rd September at Domaine de L’Arbre du Voyageur, Mare Longue and designed to help participants to exploit their potentials.
The objective of the workshop was to have an Interactive weekend, far from all civilisation, with intensive trainings and sharing of experiences amongst the members present and the different key note speakers and powerful team building activities. ATA II was conducted by our Head Coach, Senator Bruneau Woomed, Mrs Jane Valls, Mr Rao Rama and Mrs Reshma Ramchurn.
Memorable moments spent amongst participants. We certainly adhered to in one line the JCI Creed; “brotherhood of man transcend the sovereignty of nations” as we had members and aspiring members of other Local chapters who attended ATA for the first time and were really comfortable and pleased with the atmosphere during the workshop.
The residential workshop was full of emotions, sharing and learning but most important, it met its objective that is continuation of ATA – “Fight your fear” and providing appropriate tools that will accompany us and making “Success within Reach”.